LDCC Dr. E-Learning


General Rules


一、   所有學生皆須先完成註冊(含填寫基本資料以及填妥問卷)方可享有預約之權利。

The right of reservation-making as well as having services is subject to Dr. E-Learning registered students only, those who have completed personal data & questionnaires.

二、   預約駐診老師診斷,由老師針對學習問題開立學習處方箋,請於處方期間完成指定內容。諮商則重在特別聚焦問題進行,無需處方箋。

A follow-up prescription of learning goes after consulting teacher’s diagnosis. Consultation is nonprescription-based and is for any specific problem or question to learning from students.

三、   建議您完成學習處方箋後回診,以利調整處方箋內容。時常查看駐診諮商老師在屬於學生個人Dr. E-Learning平台上紀錄的建議內容,為LDCC個人學習歷程檔案及改善學習的提醒與參考。

After the prescribed work is completed, returning for diagnosis and continuous learning is strongly suggested. Look up your LDCC historical record and data about learning in Dr. E-Learning for reference.

四、   所有學生預約本中心之教師輔導療程與自學軟體各項服務,都需依據駐診老師開立之學習處方箋,並依預約項目進行練習,否則將取消該次預約。

Reserving to have thematic oral practice, presentation and self-learning software upon the prescription hours is required. Reservation will be cancelled if you do not practice the software reserved.

五、   教師/小老師輔導療程開放預約時間以14(含假日)為一個單位,最遲可於前二天線上預約或取消。例如:預約教師/小老師輔導療程:7/1可預約7/3~7/14,以此類推;7/3之療程須於7/1 23:59前完成預約或取消,如有特殊情形請洽中心人員。(07)342-60317402-7406

A valid reservation must be done within 2-14 days (including weekends/holidays) prior to the day of reservation.

六、   每人每學期限預約教師輔導療程(診斷/諮商/口語/寫作/簡報)12次,每天限預約1次。

Every student is privileged to have 12 times of reserving teachers at most per semester, and one time a day.

七、   您可於預約/報名系統中之『英/外語學習講座』或『處方課程』登錄報名參與中心之活動。

Students can access to ‘Speech’ or ‘Courses’ of the reservation/registration system if students are interested in the involved announcement.

八、   為了讓中心的資源充分使用,若您於預約時間10分鐘內未到,即以預約未到處理,若滿3次將停用2個月使用權限,中心將發送信函提醒您!

Absence will be considered for being 10 minutes late. With accumulated THREE-time absence during a semester, a TWO-month suspension of the right to have services takes place. A reminding e-mail will be followed.

九、   請大家『珍惜自己的權利,也尊重他人的權利。』

Properly use your right as well as respect to others.


A 診斷輔導Diagnosis

B 諮商輔導Consultation

A-1 第一次診斷須進行非語言學習的瞭解,主要針對學習策略及學習風格問卷之內容和結果說明。

For the first-time visitors, the focus is on non-linguistic diagnosis, the learning strategies and learning styles students have completed online.

A-2 語言學習診斷乃針對語言學習技巧,包含聽、說、讀、寫、文法、單字、發音及考試技巧應用等方向之診斷。

Involved in language learning diagnosis are learning skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, and test-taking.

A-3 請於處方期間,完成所指定的內容。若執行上遇到任何問題,建議尋求駐診老師諮詢。

During the prescription period, implementing the prescription of learning is necessary. If students encounter any problems while implementing, please approach the adviser for help.

A-4 處方期間遇到任何學習/執行的問題,可再次預約診斷,調整處方內容,但將以最新處方箋紀錄為主

A further diagnostic reservation is required for any needed adjustment during the prescription period, but the latest record will be saved in the system.

A-5 完成處方箋內容後,請再次預約診斷了解您下一步的療程或認證時數。

A diagnostic reservation for further prescription or accreditation of learning hours is kindly requested after completing the prescription.

A-6 診斷輔導時間可選擇2550分鐘。

Either a 25- or 50-minute time length for diagnosis is approachable.

A-7 診斷每次受理至多2位同學,2人預約時間僅可選擇50分鐘,2人皆須於線上預約。

A 50-minute session of diagnosis is required if accompanied (ONE additional person at a time). 

Both students have to reserve online in time.

B-1 諮商輔導包含聽、說、讀、寫、文法、發音、單字、考試技巧或其他外語學習相關問題。

Consultation services include subjects of listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, test-taking and other related concerns about foreign languages.


Consultation is specifically in relation to issues on language learning (e.g. grammar, learning strategies, resume, proficiency test, interview, etc.)


Class assignments can be consulted by advisers who will focus on an overview reading of the content by giving comments and suggestions but not revising or giving answers.

B-4 諮商輔導時間可選擇2550分鐘。

Either a 25- or 50-minute time length for consultation is approachable.

B-5 諮商每次受理至多2位同學,2人預約時間僅可選擇50分鐘,2人皆須於線上預約。

A 50-minute session of consultation is required if accompanied (ONE additional person at a time). Both students have to reserve online in time.


Prescribed services: oral practice, presentation, writing, self-learning software, and supplementary

處方箋項目規則Rules of Prescribed services


英文:CSEPT 240()以上、其他語言:CSEPT 220()以上不受此限。

Reservation is required based on advisers’ prescription, excluding those with CSEPT at least 240 or 220 while working on the platform of English and other foreign languages respectively.

C-1 主題式口語練習 Thematic Oral Practice

Ø   每人每天限預約一次主題式口語練習,每次練習時間為50分鐘。

One reservation for presentation per person per day is allowed. A 50-minute practice at a time is enforced.

Ø   預約老師或小老師做口語練習時,請先選擇口語練習之主題並填寫相關口語內容若沒有確實填寫口語內容,中心將取消此次預約。每一個口語主題題目可分多次預約練習。

For every reservation, a topic or a repeated one should be selected and relevant content should be indicated; otherwise, the reservation will be cancelled. Every topic can be split into several reservation slots.

Ø   為節省紙張、愛護地球,中心不再提供『口語預備學習單』請學生自行攜帶紙筆作筆記

In order to save energy of the earth, no more "Preparatory Learning Sheet" will be provided. Every participant is anticipated to bring his/her own notebook.

Ø   主題式口語練習採一對一為原則。若有需要,每次至多2位同學進行(2人皆須註冊且預約)

One-to-one thematic oral practice is enforced. If accompanied for the practice, ONE person additional is allowed at maximum, who is also one of LDCC registered students.

C-2 簡報練習Presentation每人每天限預約一次簡報練習,每次練習時間為50分鐘。

One reservation for presentation per person per day is allowed. A 50-minute practice at a time is enforced.

Ø   預約老師做簡報練習時,請訂定簡報主題,簡報練習前請預先完成準備。

Ø   Select a topic and be well-prepared before presentation practice.簡報練習每次受理至多2位同學進行(2人皆須註冊且預約)

If accompanied for the practice, ONE person additional is allowed at maximum, who is also LDCC registered student.

C-3 寫作指導Writing

Ø   每人每天限預約一次寫作指導,寫作諮商時間50分鐘。

One reservation per person per day is allowed for writing consultation. A 50-minute practice at a time is enforced.

Ø   請於預約前3個工作天將諮詢文章交由中心人員轉交,未依規定時間內繳交,恕不受理諮詢。

Anyone who makes an appointment for writing consultation should submit his/ her text 3 working days in advance; otherwise, the appointment will be cancelled.

Ø   預約寫作指導由駐診老師給予文章的意見(例:整體內容、組織結構等),恕不做逐字、句修改。

Students are able to obtain possible writing suggestions (e.g. overall content, organization, structure, etc.) from consulting teachers, but not for correcting the text word by word.

C-4 自學軟體Self-learning Software

Ø   每人一天預約自學軟體練習時間至多2小時。

Reservation for self-learning software is TWO hours at most per person per day.

Ø   於處方執行期間,可預約駐診老師提出執行上的問題或困難。

During the prescription period, please kindly make an appointment with the adviser when encountering problems in terms of self-learning software as well as other prescribed items.

Ø   若您於預約時間510分鐘內簽到,即視為遲到,並取消該預約;10分鐘開始還未到,即以預約未到處理。若滿3次將停用2個月使用權限,中心將發送信函提醒您!


Cancellation will be considered if participants are late for 5 to 10 minutes; absence will be considered for being 10 minutes late. With accumulated THREE-time absence during a semester, participants will get a TWO-month suspension of the right to have services and receive a reminder from LDCC. A reminding e-mail will be followed.

Ø   依「英文實力養成方案」辦理辦法,自學軟體時數須獲得駐診老師的認證,方可列印時數表。

According to the rules for the Implementation of “English Language Proficiency Enhancement Program”, students may print out the hour record upon being accredited by advisors.

C-5 補充教材Supplementary

Ø   補充教材包含中心各項圖書、雜誌、參考資料或光碟。

LDCC supplementary materials include books, magazines on shelves, learning tips and/or CDs of prior speeches and software programs.

Ø   補充資料僅限於中心空間內使用,不提供外借。

The supplementary materials are exclusively enforceable at LDCC.

Ø   每人一天預約補充教材時間至多2小時。

The reservation time for supplementary materials is TWO hours at most per person per day.

Ø   於處方執行期間,可預約駐診老師提出執行上的問題或困難。

During the prescription period, please kindly make an appointment with the adviser when encountering problems in terms of self-learning software as well as other prescribed items.

Ø   若您於預約時間510分鐘內簽到,即視為遲到,並取消該預約;10分鐘開始還未到,即以預約未到處理。若滿3次將停用2個月使用權限,中心將發送信函提醒您!


Cancellation will be considered if participants are late for 5 to 10 minutes; absence will be considered for being 10 minutes late. With accumulated THREE-time absence during a semester, participants will get a TWO-month suspension of the right to have services and receive a reminder from LDCC. A reminding e-mail will be followed.

Ø   依「英文實力養成方案」辦理辦法,補充教材時數須獲得駐診老師的認證,方可列印時數表。

According to the rules for the Implementation of “English Language Proficiency Enhancement Program”, students may print out the hour record upon being accredited by advisors.


D 非處方箋服務項目

Non-prescribed services: song twisters, and gamesters


D-1 外語歌曲、繞舌、詩歌練習Song Twisters

Ø   每人每天限預約一次詩歌練習,預約時間以50分鐘為基準。

ONE reservation per person per day is allowed for song twisters. A session lasts 50 minutes.

Ø   /外語歌曲、繞舌、詩歌練習每次受理至多4位同學一同進行(4人皆須註冊且預約)

If accompanied for the practice, THREE additional persons are allowed, with LDCC registration.

Ø   本籍學生僅限外文歌曲練習,中文及台語歌練習則依規則開放。

Foreign songs are to practice. Chinese and Taiwanese songs are subject to the incentive policy.

D-2 字彙教具遊戲 Gamesters

Ø   每人每天限預約一次英/外語字彙文化遊戲學習,預約時間以50分鐘為基準。

One reservation per person per day is allowed for gaming. A session for gamesters lasts 50 minutes.

Ø   英語字彙實體遊戲組或數位遊戲每次受理至少2位、至多4位同學一同進行(每位皆須註冊且預約)

At least TWO persons are required for one reservation. If accompanied for games, TWO additional persons with LDCC registration are allowed.

I have read and understood the details of the rules abovementioned. I hereby agree with the above.
